Global Crisis
Greenhouse emissions are at a record high and continues to rise. The manufacturing industry produces 1/6th of all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
Only 9% of plastics are recycled annually. Most bioplastics are failing as an alternative to traditional plastics as they are just as environmetally damaging as peteroleum-based plastics. Current plastic-free alternatives can not scale up due to high production costs.

Innovative Solution
Our multi-award-winning carbon-negative process will allow us to sustainably produce a number of products in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, packaging, fashion, and materials industries.
We will share our technology with existing manufacturers to help them reduce their carbon footprint and achieve sustainable goals for the long-term.
Our Technique
Our modular microbial bioprocess utilizes synthetic biology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to guide its development.
We use light and carbon dioxide as the primary energy source for our system which allows us to cut production costs in half while having a carbon-negative process.